Custom Home - Engineering

Modern Custom Home.

Modern Custom Home.

Third level deck.

Third level deck.

Framing progress!

Framing progress!

Construction is nearing the end.

Construction is nearing the end.

Third story deck.

Third story deck.

This was a unique three-story custom home that incorporated energy efficient elements and unique structural members creating an original lasting home. The structure was built on a sloping lot requiring attention to the daylight basement foundation walls in close proximity to a City Park. The supports for the deck used heavy steel square tubing and custom attachments to the supporting beams and wall. Beams inside the home were left exposed and were incorporated to have the appearance of extending to the exterior as roof eave support members.

Civil engineering involved processing LiDAR data with AutodDesk Civil3d to develop site topography contours. The architect was then able to use the surface topography in renderings to optimize house placement on the property. That information also guided decisions to minimize ground disturbance and rock excavation reducing costs and still preserving the integrity of the design intent.